Booster & Youth Organizations

North Hills booster, parent and youth organization are separate entities from the school district, but work in conjunction with the school to provide the best experience possible for our students.

Booster & Parent Organizations


Basketball (Boys)
Kristen Pollaro

Basketball (Girls)
Dane Topich

Tonya Gonzales & Leigh Ann Lubarsky

Cross Country
Summer Dixon, Leah Schram, Jocelyn McCarty and Tracy Hall

Tiffany Broderick

Ice Hockey
Scott Pater – President
Charlene Cobaugh - Boosters

Inline Roller Hockey
Mike Wiseman
Dawn Rankin

Lacrosse (Boys)
Andrea Korade

Lacrosse (Girls)
Nikki Krogmann

Soccer (Boys)
Brian Churray

Soccer (Girls)
RJ Franz

Softball (Fast Pitch)
Brian Bischoff

Slow Pitch Softball (Slow Pitch)
Ed Vesely, 412-337-8617

Volleyball (Girls)
Shelley West

Volleyball (Boys)
Shelley West

Mack Rohaly

Swimming & Diving
Judy Gurchak

Community Youth Organizations

Youth Football & Cheer:
North Hills Youth Football

Youth Soccer:
North Hills Soccer Club

Boys & Girls Basketball
North Hills Youth Basketball

Baseball & Softball
North Hills Athletic Association
West View Ross Athletic Association

North Hills Aquatics